Your time being the good girl is OVER.
Your time being the good girl is OVER.
Ever noticed how you join programs wanting to step into the next level of who YOU are?
Only to join and be told to follow THEIR cookie cutter approach?
You spent your life trying to follow someone else’s template for success. You diligently ticked all of the boxes and then one day you woke up. Your “perfect” on paper life didn’t feel like yours and that was not okay. Fuelled by your inner knowing that there must be more to life than this, you got to work to peel back the layers of conditioning that had you trapped in a matrix you wanted no part of.
You’ve done incredible work to break free and now you are ready to unleash your true, authentic self and fully step into the truth of who you are, own your gifts and create the magic you were born for.
You don’t want or need to follow someone else’s template. Fuck that. You want a space that lets you tap into your own inner wisdom, self trust, innate gifts and power.
The YOUR Way mastermind is that space.
Inside YOUR WAY (THE 12 month mastermind for paradigm shifters ready to alchemise their gifts & do ALL of life and work on their terms), you will enter a SAFE space to:
grow your CONFIDENCE and SELF TRUST so that you live life on your terms
develop ROCK SOLID belief in who you ARE, what you WANT and how to make it your REALITY
be supported to do things in a way that works for YOU
be genuinely CELEBRATED for doing it YOUR WAY; and
- receive teaching, training, coaching, mentorship & implementation spaces to ensure that you get ALL of what you need to do in life & work YOUR Way

Ever noticed how you join programs wanting to step into the next level of who YOU are?
Only to join and be told to follow THEIR cookie cutter approach?

You spent your life trying to follow someone else’s template for success. You diligently ticked all of the boxes and then one day you woke up. Your “perfect” on paper life didn’t feel like yours and that was not okay.
Fuelled by your inner knowing that there must be more to life than this, you got to work to peel back the layers of conditioning that had you trapped in a matrix you wanted no part of.
You’ve done incredible work to break free and now you are ready to unleash your true, authentic self and fully step into the truth of who you are, own your gifts and create the magic you were born for.
You don’t want or need to follow someone else’s template.
Fuck that.
You want a space that lets you tap into your own inner wisdom, self trust, innate gifts and power.
The YOUR Way mastermind is that space.
Inside YOUR WAY (a 12 month mastermind for paradigm shifters ready alchemise their gifts & do ALL of life and work on their terms), you will enter a SAFE space to:
grow your CONFIDENCE and SELF TRUST so that you live life on your terms
develop ROCK SOLID belief in who you ARE, what you WANT and how to make it your REALITY
be supported to do things in a way that works for YOU
be genuinely CELEBRATED for doing it YOUR WAY; and
- receive teaching, training, coaching, mentorship & implementation spaces to ensure that you get ALL of what you need to do in life & work YOUR Way
"When I talked to Louise about working with her, she told me that working on "the big personal stuff" like my family would actually help me achieve my professional goals. To say I was skeptical was an understatement.
This year, after working through those big personal topics, a new company sought me out for a position.
I was happy enough where I was that I didn't need the job, but I used the interview as an experiment to show up as my authentic self who I was becoming reacquainted with through Your Way and 1:1 sessions with Louise.
The short story is this: that experiment turned into a job offer with considerably more money and opportunity - doing something I would never have considered previously.
And this year I'll be staying in Your Way to get the support that I need to show up in a bigger role with more influence and responsibility than I've had before as my authentic self. Thank you, Louise!”
“Louise has been by my side as I have navigated the realisation (and subsequent fall out) that my life looked shiny on the outside, but didn’t feel good to me.She has steadfastly been there for me throughout the unravelling and rebuild and whatever I threw at her she remained loving, compassionate, challenging and always holding me to my highest and most ‘me’ self. I could land with her wherever I was at or however I was feeling (and it was a wild ride) and that was ok - more than ok.There’s a particular moment I remember when I shared with Louise that I ‘just wanted to blow it all up’ ie start again. And rather than keep me ‘safe’ and say it will get better or almost try and brush it aside as many well meaning friends or family may do. Instead, she said ‘ok, so you want to blow it all up’, in such a matter of fact way, that it was as if I’d just said I was going to nip down to the shops. And then off we went.Her support both 1:1 and in group via Your Way has been remarkable. In the time I’ve worked with her, I have made a huge relocation for me and my family to live by the coast, to Cornwall which feels like home to me. I have held boundaries at work and am now leading on a project to transform UK farming base to regenerative practices. And my inner world has transformed to one of much greater trust, ease and ability to be with discomfort and pain - as well as know and prioritise those things that are magic to me.If you want significant transformational change, and you’re prepared to work hard for it, Louise’s YW group and 1:1 support will get you there.” —Marianne
"When I talked to Louise about working with her, she told me that working on "the big personal stuff" like my family would actually help me achieve my professional goals. To say I was skeptical was an understatement.
This year, after working through those big personal topics, a new company sought me out for a position.
I was happy enough where I was that I didn't need the job, but I used the interview as an experiment to show up as my authentic self who I was becoming reacquainted with through Your Way and 1:1 sessions with Louise..
The short story is this: that experiment turned into a job offer with considerably more money and opportunity - doing something I would never have considered previously.
And this year I'll be staying in Your Way to get the support that I need to show up in a bigger role with more influence and responsibility than I've had before as my authentic self. Thank you, Louise!”
This 12 month immersive & supportive experience for ALL aspects of your LIFE & WORK will explore:
- Building radical self trust so that YOU feel empowered to make the decisions that matter, from a place of authenticity and integrity to who you truly are. No more people pleasing, trying to prove, minimising yourself to fit in or abandoning the parts of you that make ALL of you brilliant
- We live in a world where money is a necessary part of our day to day. How you feel about it can significantly impact the experience of life you have. In this mastermind, you shift from fear, scarcity and believing money is required to make you safe and secure, to a place of trust, abundance and ease. Money is energy. When you learn to work with it, watch it flow
- The mindset and strategy required to do life on your terms. Where has life left you with a rulebook that no longer fits? What are the experiences, thoughts and beliefs that keep you stuck in an outdated paradigm of playing small? What does it really take to access and embody your unfiltered, unashamed, full of zest and playing full out version NOW? In Your Way, we cover all of this.
- Getting your body on board via effective nervous system tools and approaches (it's no good having a plan if you freeze or panic every time you go to implement it!). Access the wisdom of you body through beautiful somatic practices, Breathwork, Rapid Recording techniques and powerful visualisations that get you nervous system working FOR you as you expand your capacity for more joy, peace, prosperity and abundance.
- This program will also train you in the life altering practices of body work & nervous system regulation so you have the depth of understanding required to use these tools with others as well as yourself.
- Navigating relationships (even the most challenging ones, not forgetting the one you have with yourself). Show up fully expressed in your relationships, no longer shying from the big conversations or difficult topics. Stop hiding the real YOU from those you love so that you can grow and evolve together.
- Effective stress management and burnout prevention and treatment. You have already done so much to manage your stress and recover from burnout. Now it's time to take it up a notch so you have the capacity to breeze through the challenges of day to day life. No more checking out of work or life when things come up. Once your inner world has been fortified, you will remain connected and inspired by who you are and the mission you are here to fulfil, so that you have the capacity and energy to show up, regardless of what is going on in the outer world
- All things health (mental, physical, emotional). This mastermind transcends the traditional approaches to health. We question the current practices and approaches, consider the systemic changes required to create a world that is truly healthy and create environments that are healthy for ALL of us.
- Using the unique YOUR Way methodology to find your formula for an extraordinary life and career on YOUR terms (includes materials for both employees and entrepreneurs to set you up for success in your chosen area(s) of work)
- Living life in line with your unique natural rhythms. Through an understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other magical eastern philosophies, you will naturally align your activities with the seasons of nature and your own internal season for overall balance and good health
And so much more...
- Building radical self trust so that YOU feel empowered to make the decisions that matter, from a place of authenticity and integrity to who you truly are. No more people pleasing, trying to prove, minimising yourself to fit in or abandoning the parts of you that make ALL of you brilliant
- We live in a world where money is a necessary part of our day to day. How you feel about it can significantly impact the experience of life you have. In this mastermind, you shift from fear, scarcity and believing money is required to make you safe and secure, to a place of trust, abundance and ease. Money is energy. When you learn to work with it, watch it flow
- The mindset and strategy required to do life on your terms. Where has life left you with a rulebook that no longer fits? What are the experiences, thoughts and beliefs that keep you stuck in an outdated paradigm of playing small? What does it really take to access and embody your unfiltered, unashamed, full of zest and playing full out version NOW? In Your Way we cover all of this.
- Getting your body on board via effective nervous system tools and approaches (it's no good having a plan if you freeze or panic every time you go to implement it!). Access the wisdom of your body through beautiful somatic practices, Breathwork, Rapid Recoding techniques and powerful visualisations that get your nervous system working FOR you as you expand your capacity for more joy, peace, prosperity and abundance.
- This program will also train you in the life altering practices of body work & nervous system regulation so you have the depth of understanding required to use these tools with others as well as yourself.
- Navigating relationships (even the most challenging ones, not forgetting the one you have with yourself). Show up fully expressed in your relationships, no longer shying from the big conversations or difficult topics. Stop hiding the real YOU from those you love so that you can grow and evolve together.
- Effective stress management and burnout prevention and treatment. You have already done so much to manage your stress and recover from burnout. Now it's time to take it up a notch so you have the capacity to breeze through the challenges of day to day life. No more checking out of work or life when things come up. Once your inner world has been fortified, you will remain connected and inspired by who you are and the mission you are here to fulfil, so that you have the capacity and energy to show up, regardless of what is going on in the outer world
- All things health (mental, physical, emotional). This mastermind transcends the traditional approaches to health. We question the current practices and approaches, consider the systemic changes required to create a world that is truly healthy and create environments that are healthy for ALL of us.
- Using the unique YOUR Way methodology to find your formula for an extraordinary life and career on YOUR terms (includes materials for both employees and entrepreneurs to set you up for success in your chosen area(s) of work)
- Living life in line with your unique natural rhythms. Through an understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other magical eastern philosophies, you will naturally align your activities with the seasons of nature and your own internal season for overall balance and good health
And so much more...
Please note that the group size for this program is capped at 8 to ensure an intimate space that is deeply supportive and nourishing.
Please note that the group size for this program is capped at 8 to ensure an intimate space that is deeply supportive and nourishing.
As a member of the YOUR WAY community, you get live access to ALL of:
- All weekly reset sessions (this is the bit your body and nervous system will love you for)
- A BRAND NEW program EVERY SINGLE month which includes calls for growth, clarity & implementation (one of each - so you can learn, ask your questions, get coached AND have a space to practice and implement the learnings WITH support). You will have lifetime access to all programs you complete during our 12 months together
- Training in the life altering practices of body work & nervous system regulation so you have the depth of understanding required to use these tools with others as well as yourself
- Option to upgrade and add in a monthly 30 minute 1:1 session with Louise
As a member of the YOUR WAY community, you get live access to ALL of:
- Weekly reset sessions (this is the bit your body and nervous system will love you for)
- A BRAND NEW program EVERY SINGLE month which includes calls for growth, clarity & implementation (one of each - so you can learn, ask your questions, get coached AND have a space to practice and implement the learnings WITH support). You will have lifetime access to all programs you complete during our 12 months together
- Training in the life altering practices of body work & nervous system regulation so you have the depth of understanding required to use these tools with others as well as yourself
- Option to upgrade and add in a monthly 30 minute 1:1 session with Louise
PLUS a private community of like minded peers all ready to throw out the rules and controls they are DONE WITH and find what works for them in an environment that genuinely CELEBRATES creating an extraordinary life (& work / business) on your terms
Unlike many coaching programs, this work is done WITH you
You aren’t left to figure it out on your own, you are supported every step of the way
Ready to do this?
PLUS a private community of like minded peers all ready to throw out the rules and controls they are DONE WITH and find what works for them in an environment that genuinely CELEBRATES creating an extraordinary life (& work / business) on your terms
Unlike many coaching programs, this work is done WITH you
You aren’t left to figure it out on your own, you are supported every step of the way
Ready to do this?
Pay in Full: £8,000 / $10,000US
Pay Monthly: 12 x £800 / $1,000US
Upgrade to include monthly 1:1 (30 minutes)
Pay in Full: £11,111 / $14,111US
Pay Monthly: 12 x £1,111 / $1,411US
Please be aware that this is an advanced mastermind space that goes deep as well as broad. We dig into the weeds here and explore topics and areas that are not often talked about. If the space calls to you, you are welcome in it - please reach out to Louise for a chat before you join so she can walk you through what to expect and check if it's a good fit.
Book a call with her here.
Pay in Full: £8,000 / $10,000US
Pay Monthly: 12 x £800 / $1,000US
Upgrade to include monthly 1:1 (30 minutes)
Pay in Full: £11,111 / $14,111US
Pay Monthly: 12 x £1,111 / $1,411US
Please be aware that this is an advanced mastermind space that goes deep as well as broad. We dig into the weeds here and explore topics and areas that are not often talked about. If the space calls to you, you are welcome in it - please reach out to Louise for a chat before you join so she can walk you through what to expect and check if it's a good fit..
Book a call with her here.
Prefer to email? Email Louise directly HERE
(no one else has access to this inbox)
Join the waitlist for the next group

For Louise, a hefty dose of burnout in 2018 made her sit up and pay attention to what she really wanted from her life.
Until that point, time never felt like her own and almost everything was done to please or seek approval from others.
When a therapist suggested she do the things she found fun, it made her so sad. Because, not only did she not have a clue what that looked like for her, she realised that she had no idea who she even was.
Between the burnout and loss of self, she promised herself she would do whatever it took to never feel that way again, which has looked like a LOT of rabbit holes that she was not expecting - but is so glad she did.
Using a combination of mindset and body based modalities, Louise looked at the stuff many put in the "too difficult" box, including: childhood trauma, a belief of being difficult to love, hating her body, being controlled by food, a desire to control everything and everyone around her, crippling anxiety, an inability to switch off, appalling sleep, perfectionism and intense people pleasing.
Louise built a business that exceeded her corporate income in under 3 years, all whilst healing from trauma, learning to love ALL parts of her, enjoying ample time in nature, holidays, leisure time with her family and alone time for herself. She refused to believe that getting what she wanted required endless hours of working and sacrifice. She had been there and done that and didn't like the t-shirt. She shifted the outdated paradigms of "work hard to achieve" and being the "good girl" to create a life on her terms.
In healing her relationship with food and her body, Louise found herself in the best shape of her life - all whilst exercising less and eating more than ever before.
She learned to be present in life and business, get more done than ever before, switch off from work and truly access the joy that had been missing for so long.
Using tried, tested and proven signature methodologies, she's here to help you do the same - YOUR way.

For Louise, a hefty dose of burnout in 2018 made her sit up and pay attention to what she really wanted from her life.
Until that point, time never felt like her own and almost everything was done to please or seek approval from others.
When a therapist suggested she do the things she found fun, it made her so sad. Because, not only did she not have a clue what that looked like for her, she realised that she had no idea who she even was.
Between the burnout and loss of self, she promised herself she would do whatever it took to never feel that way again, which has looked like a LOT of rabbit holes that she was not expecting - but is so glad she did.
Using a combination of mindset and body based modalities, Louise looked at the stuff many put in the "too difficult" box, including: childhood trauma, a belief of being difficult to love, hating her body, being controlled by food, a desire to control everything and everyone around her, crippling anxiety, an inability to switch off, appalling sleep, perfectionism and intense people pleasing.
Louise built a business that exceeded her corporate income in under 3 years, all whilst healing from trauma, learning to love ALL parts of her, enjoying ample time in nature, holidays, leisure time with her family and alone time for herself. She refused to believe that getting what she wanted required endless hours of working and sacrifice. She had been there and done that and didn't like the t-shirt. She shifted the outdated paradigms of "work hard to achieve" and being the "good girl" to create a life on her terms.
In healing her relationship with food and her body, Louise found herself in the best shape of her life - all whilst exercising less and eating more than ever before.
She learned to be present in life and business, get more done than ever before, switch off from work and truly access the joy that had been missing for so long.
Using tried, tested and proven signature methodologies, she's here to help you do the same - YOUR way.
Alongside an ICF diploma in transformational coaching practice and being accredited at PCC level, Louise studied in Positive Intelligence and has a certification in trauma, nervous system, somatic and internal family systems therapy work.
She has both a deep and broad appreciation of what is truly required for you to be healthy in your life (emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually).
Using tried, tested and proven signature methodologies, she's here to help you do the same - YOUR way.
In her work, Louise provides the support you need to make decisions that will allow you to do things your way, on your terms and to live a life that feels like YOURS - not the one you got told you “should” want - all whilst being really well in the process.
Alongside an ICF diploma in transformational coaching practice and being accredited at PCC level, Louise studied in Positive Intelligence and has a certification in trauma, nervous system, somatic and internal family systems therapy work.
She has both a deep and broad appreciation of what is truly required for you to be healthy in your life (emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually).
Using tried, tested and proven signature methodologies, she's here to help you do the same - YOUR way.
In her work, Louise provides the support you need to make decisions that will allow you to do things your way, on your terms and to live a life that feels like YOURS - not the one you got told you “should” want - all whilst being really well in the process.