Free Instant Access Workshop

READY to FEEL the vibrancy, energy and life force that comes when you stop hiding your incredible gifts and start living?


You are alive at this point in time for a REASON and you know it. You are ready to feel SAFE to actually DO it NOW

Claim your limitless life

Shift your fears of visibility and EMBODY your authentic self

Use your intuitive and psychic gifts to create waves of change for the GOOD of the collective

Feel EMPOWERED and SAFE to let ALL of you shine

Free Instant Access Workshop

READY to FEEL the vibrancy, energy and life force that comes when you stop hiding your incredible gifts and start living?

You are alive at this point in time for a REASON and you know it. You are ready to feel SAFE to actually DO it NOW

Claim your limitless life

Shift your fears of visibility and EMBODY your authentic self

Use your intuitive and psychic gifts to create waves of change for the GOOD of the collective

Feel EMPOWERED and SAFE to let ALL of you shine

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know you came here to shift paradigms and create huge ripples of positive change in a world that deeply needs it. That you are here to LEAD a movement

  •  You know you are gifted, powerful, magic

  • And you know you are hiding some of the parts of you that make you brilliant
  • That you have strong protector parts that don’t feel safe to be seen and don’t yet know you ARE safe and ready to unleash your brilliance into the world
  • You may not be super clear on what exactly it is you are here to do
  • Or if you are, you aren’t doing it because it scares the sh*t out of you
  • You feel the energy shifts that this year is bringing, you know the time is NOW and you are READY to activate your TRUE purpose and calling


A huge part of living a life that feels true to you is to allow ALL parts of you to be seen.


To claim your limitless life.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know you came here to shift paradigms and create huge ripples of positive change in a world that deeply needs it. That you are here to LEAD a movement
  • You know you are gifted, powerful, magic 
  • And you know you are hiding some of the parts of you that make you brilliant
  • That you have strong protector parts that don’t feel safe to be seen and don’t yet know you ARE safe and ready to unleash your brilliance into the world
  • You may not be super clear on what exactly it is you are here to do
  • Or if you are, you aren’t doing it because it scares the sh*t out of you
  • You feel the energy shifts that this year is bringing, you know the time is NOW and you are READY to activate your TRUE purpose and calling

A huge part of living a life that feels true to you is to allow ALL parts of you to be seen.


To claim your limitless life.

At this FREE 90 minute workshop you will (re)discover:

  • The unique magic that is you
  • The mission you came to fulfil this lifetime
  • How everything in your life has led you to this moment
  • That it’s safe to be ALL of you and let your magic shine

We will also work with the protector parts trying to keep you small so you can actually do the work you came here to do

Through a combination of powerful activations, clearings, journaling and me sharing my own story, you will remember YOUR truth and feel safe to LIVE it

Your time playing small and hiding is over. You are powerful, brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous - and now you get to feel SAFE to own it.

At this FREE 90 minute workshop you will (re)discover:

  • The unique magic that is you
  • The mission you came to fulfil this lifetime
  • How everything in your life has led you to this moment
  • That it’s safe to be ALL of you and let your magic shine

We will also work with the protector parts trying to keep you small so you can actually do the work you came here to do

Through a combination of powerful activations, clearings, journaling and me sharing my own story, you will remember YOUR truth and feel safe to LIVE it

Your time playing small and hiding is over. You are powerful, brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous - and now you get to feel SAFE to own it.

 Add your details below to receive your FREE access now 

 Add your details below to receive your FREE access now


"I loved it because it was light hearted but informative.
I think the info was very clear and I love the fact that you are taking elements from different disciplines like Kundalini, breath-work, body scan, different activations, human design or gene keys and also weave in the coaching elements.
I am also a kundalini yoga teacher and I love the energy work part and feeling everything shift.
The exercise I loved was turning up and down the fear cause sometimes we are even afraid of being afraid 😂
But overall I think it will be very powerful because separately all those elements are already powerful and together it will truly create magic."đŸ’–đŸ’«đŸ‘đŸ„ł

For Louise, a hefty dose of burnout in 2018 made her sit up and pay attention to what she really wanted from her life.


Until that point, time never felt like her own and almost everything was done to please or seek approval from others.


When a therapist suggested she do the things she found fun, it made her so sad. Because, not only did she not have a clue what that looked like for her, she realised that she had no idea who she even was.


Between the burnout and loss of self, she promised herself she would do whatever it took to never feel that way again, which has looked like a LOT of rabbit holes that she was not expecting - but is so glad she did.


Using a combination of mindset and body based modalities, Louise looked at the stuff many put in the "too difficult" box, including: childhood trauma, a belief of being difficult to love, hating her body, being controlled by food, a desire to control everything and everyone around her, crippling anxiety, an inability to switch off, appalling sleep, perfectionism and intense people pleasing.


Louise built a business that exceeded her corporate income in under 3 years, all whilst healing from trauma, learning to love ALL parts of her, enjoying ample time in nature,  holidays, leisure time with her family and alone time for herself. She refused to believe that getting what she wanted required endless hours of working and sacrifice. She had been there and done that and didn't like the t-shirt. She shifted the outdated paradigms of "work hard to achieve" and being the "good girl" to create a life on her terms.


In healing her relationship with food and her body, Louise found herself in the best shape of her life - all whilst exercising less and eating more than ever before.


She learned to be present in life and business, get more done than ever before, switch off from work and truly access the joy that had been missing for so long.


Using tried, tested and proven signature methodologies, she's here to help you do the same - YOUR way. 

There is so much noise out there about WHO you should be

What success SHOULD look like

And how you are meant to live your life

But if what you created meets the ideals of others and leaves YOU feeling cold, then at some point something has to give

For Louise, a hefty dose of burnout in 2018 made her sit up and pay attention to what she really wanted from her life.

Until that point, time never felt like her own and almost everything was done to please or seek approval from others.

When a therapist suggested she do the things she found fun, it made her so sad. Because, not only did she not have a clue what that looked like for her, she realised that she had no idea who she even was.

Between the burnout and loss of self, she promised herself she would do whatever it took to never feel that way again, which has looked like a LOT of rabbit holes that she was not expecting - but is so glad she did.

Using a combination of mindset and body based modalities, Louise looked at the stuff many put in the "too difficult" box, including: childhood trauma, a belief of being difficult to love, hating her body, being controlled by food, a desire to control everything and everyone around her, crippling anxiety, an inability to switch off, appalling sleep, perfectionism and intense people pleasing.

Louise built a business that exceeded her corporate income in under 3 years, all whilst healing from trauma, learning to love ALL parts of her, enjoying ample time in nature,  holidays, leisure time with her family and alone time for herself. She refused to believe that getting what she wanted required endless hours of working and sacrifice. She had been there and done that and didn't like the t-shirt. She shifted the outdated paradigms of "work hard to achieve" and being the "good girl" to create a life on her terms.

In healing her relationship with food and her body, Louise found herself in the best shape of her life - all whilst exercising less and eating more than ever before.

She learned to be present in life and business, get more done than ever before, switch off from work and truly access the joy that had been missing for so long.

Using tried, tested and proven signature methodologies, she's here to help you do the same - YOUR way.

Alongside an ICF diploma in transformational coaching practice and being accredited at PCC level, Louise studied in Positive Intelligence and has a certification in trauma, nervous system, somatic and internal family systems therapy work.

She has both a deep and broad appreciation of what is truly required for you to be healthy in your life (emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually).

In her work, Louise provides the support you need to make decisions that will allow you to do things your way, on your terms and to live a life that feels like YOURS - not the one you got told you “should” want - all whilst being really well in the process.

Alongside an ICF diploma in transformational coaching practice and being accredited at PCC level, Louise studied in Positive Intelligence and has a certification in trauma, nervous system, somatic and internal family systems therapy work.


She has both a deep and broad appreciation of what is truly required for you to be healthy in your life (emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually).


In her work, Louise provides the support you need to make decisions that will allow you to do things your way, on your terms and to live a life that feels like YOURS - not the one you got told you “should” want - all whilst being really well in the process.