Get your questions answered


Feel seen, heard and understood

Experience a safe space for sharing

 Get your questions answered

Feel seen, heard and understood

Experience a safe space for sharing

Nothing beats the feeling of having a conversation with another human who gets you AND listens to what you have to say


We live in a world where most people are fake. Everyone is "fine" or "great" or "busy" - but how many people are ACTUALLY talking about how they feel, what's going on for them or what they need?


It's lonely when you want a space where you can be REAL, but don't have one. To hear people talking about real things and grappling with the stuff that matters to THEM

Nothing beats the feeling of having a conversation with another human who gets you AND listens to what you have to say

We live in a world where most people are fake. Everyone is "fine" or "great" or "busy" - but how many people are ACTUALLY talking about how they feel, what's going on for them or what they need?

It's lonely when you want a space where you can be REAL, but don't have one. To hear people talking about real things and grappling with the stuff that matters to THEM

If you hate small talk and CRAVE a space for real conversation, problem solving and sharing, join me on Monday 17th February for a fun and FREE confidential space for whatever you need
No recording, no replays, no sharing anything outside of the group - this is your safe space for sharing
Use the space to ask me anything about my journey, your challenges, decisions you are stuck on - or whatever else you want support with 

If you hate small talk and CRAVE a space for real conversation, problem solving and sharing, join me on Monday 17th February for a fun and FREE confidential space for whatever you need

No recording, no replays, no sharing anything outside of the group - this is your safe space for sharing

Use the space to ask me anything about my journey, your challenges, decisions you are stuck on - or whatever else you want support with

What can you bring to the call? Anything, but some ideas... 👇

  • Got a burning question you want to ask? Come ask it
  • Got a challenge that no one in your space "gets" and want an independent ear to help you unpick it? I'm here for it
  • Want to see what it's all about, but not ready to ask a question yet? Great - come be in the space and experience what it's like to be around like minded others who are open and REAL

What can you bring to the call? Anything, but some ideas... 👇

  • Got a burning question you want to ask? Come ask it
  • Got a challenge that no one in your space "gets" and want an independent ear to help you unpick it? I'm here for it
  • Want to see what it's all about, but not ready to ask a question yet? Great - come be in the space and experience what it's like to be around like minded others who are open and REAL 


What can you bring to the call? Anything, but some ideas... 👇

  • Got a burning question you want to ask? Come ask it
  • Got a challenge that no one in your space "gets" and want an independent ear to help you unpick it? I'm here for it
  • Want to see what it's all about, but not ready to ask a question yet? Great - come be in the space and experience what it's like to be around like minded others who are open and REAL

What can you bring to the call? Anything, but some ideas... 👇

  • Got a burning question you want to ask? Come ask it
  • Got a challenge that no one in your space "gets" and want an independent ear to help you unpick it? I'm here for it
  • Want to see what it's all about, but not ready to ask a question yet? Great - come be in the space and experience what it's like to be around like minded others who are open and REAL 



NO REPLAY - you must be in the room live
Add your details below to receive your FREE access now


The free group coaching will take place for an hour from 4:00 PM UK Time (11am Eastern) on Monday 17th February 2025.

Sign up below.

 NO REPLAY - you must be in the room live

Add your details below to receive your FREE access now

For Louise, a hefty dose of burnout in 2018 made her sit up and pay attention to what she really wanted from her life 


She promised herself she would do whatever it took to never feel that way again, which has looked like a LOT of rabbit holes that she was not expecting - but is so glad she did


Alongside an ICF diploma in transformational coaching practice and being accredited at PCC level, Louise studied in Positive Intelligence and has a certification in trauma, nervous system, somatic and internal family systems therapy work


She has both a deep and broad appreciation of what is truly required for you to be healthy in your life (emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually)

There is so much noise out there about WHO you should be 
What success SHOULD look like
And how you are meant to live your life 
But if what you created meets the ideals of others and leaves YOU feeling cold, then at some point something has to give 
For Louise, a hefty dose of burnout in 2018 made her sit up and pay attention to what she really wanted from her life 
She promised herself she would do whatever it took to never feel that way again, which has looked like a LOT of rabbit holes that she was not expecting - but is so glad she did
Alongside an ICF diploma in transformational coaching practice and being accredited at PCC level, Louise studied in Positive Intelligence and has a certification in trauma, nervous system, somatic and internal family systems therapy work
She has both a deep and broad appreciation of what is truly required for you to be healthy in your life (emotionally, mentally, physically & spiritually)

In her work, Louise provides the support you need to make decisions that will allow you to do things your way, on your terms and to live a life that feels like YOURS - not the one you got told you “should” want - all whilst being really well in the process