The Embodied Life Coaching Podcast Episode 11 - Hard Work - The Nervous System Way

In the podcast this week Louise shares a personal update before diving into the topic of hard work from a nervous system perspective.  

The episode was inspired by another Podcast Louise heard which suggested that (among other things) working 18 hour days wouldn't be detrimental to health and that when you feel exhausted you should just change your thoughts and get on with with it.  

Louise looks at this from a nervous system perspective and explores when it would and would not be optimal to work in this way.

She also shared some tools to help you determine what hard work WITH a regulated nervous system looks like for you.  

If you are enjoying the podcast, please give it a rating and review and let Louise know - she loves hearing your feedback


Louise's latest class; How to take care of yourself - is a 60-minute masterclass where Louise shares effective, evidence and science-backed protocols for overall health that you can implement quickly and easily into your busy life. :


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