The Embodied Life Coaching Podcast Episode 14 - What do I need?

In the third of this series of bitesize episodes, Louise explores the simple but often confronting question of "what do I need?". She also shares her own challenges on this topic around a recent desire to take some time away (spoiler alert - she did it and will be by the coast when this episode airs!)


Louise also shares about the Spring Equinox retreat that will be running virtually (via zoom) from midday to 5.30pm UK time on Monday 20th March.


Book your place here: 


Tickets are £350 per person.


There will be somatic exercises to help you feel grounded and to give your nervous system what it needs, we will also explore some light goal/intention setting, look at ways to welcome in the new beginnings that Spring brings, Louise will give any coaching desired and then Lucy Maeve (who was on episode 10 of the podcast last) will lead the group through a beautiful breath practice before we close with a sharing circle.


To find out more about Louise's Address & Unlock program and to join the waitlist for the 2023 group, click here:

If you want to take the first steps to build your resources and start to create a felt sense of safety in your body, take the Intro to the Body class. You get instant lifetime access and can purchase the class for £99 here.


Louise's latest class; How to take care of yourself - is a 60-minute masterclass where Louise shares effective, evidence and science-backed protocols for overall health that you can implement quickly and easily into your busy life. :



Keep up to date with Louise’s latest thoughts, musing and offerings by joining her email list here


If you would like to speak to Louise about being supported 1:1, book a free call with her here


Visit the website:







#somaticexperiencing, #traumahealing,  #childhoodtrauma, #attachmentstyles, #healing, #embodimentcoach, #lifecoach, #familysystems, #familysystemstherapy, #wellbeing, #mentalhealth, #nervousystemcoach, #traumainformed, #nervoussystemregulation,