The Embodied Life Coaching Podcast Episode 24 - The power of the pause

This week Louise looks at the power of slowing down and intentionally pausing. 


If you would like to slow down, pause and take some time for you, Louise's next online retreat is 21st June from 1pm UK time. This retreat will get your mind, body and soul ready for summer. You can expect beautiful body based practices to reconnect you with yourself and your hearts desires, workshopping and coaching to connect your heart to your goals for a summer of joy, peace and prosperity. 


The day concludes with a transformational breath journey with Lucy Maeve to deepen and integrate the magic of the day. Find out more and book your spot here:


If you want to take the first steps to build your resources and start to create a felt sense of safety in your body, take the Intro to the Body class. You get instant lifetime access and can purchase the class for £99 here.


Louise's latest class; How to take care of yourself - is a 60-minute masterclass where Louise shares effective, evidence and science-backed protocols for overall health that you can implement quickly and easily into your busy life. :



Keep up to date with Louise’s latest thoughts, musing and offerings by joining her email list here


If you would like to speak to Louise about being supported 1:1, book a free call with her here


Visit the website:







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