The Embodied Life Coaching Podcast Episode 29 - Be bold, shine bright - it's time to get VISIBLE

In the podcast this week Louise explores visibility. 


A key part of being able to show up as we are and do big things in the world is our willingness (and capacity) to be seen. 


It's no good trying to force this if your body doesn’t feel safe - it just wont let you get to where you need to go 


Many of us had experiences as kids when we stood up and did something and got shouted down - by parents, teachers, kids in class etc and this creates a survival pattern in the body that showing up isn’t safe 


Our hiding can also be sneaky and show up like “I won’t do that thing, it’s not the right time” or "I will wait until the next one" - Most of the time this is actually your nervous system trying to protect you from SOMETHING it perceives is a threat if you expand / grow / become more visible 


Your job is to to work through the patterns and teach the body to feel safe - in a gentle and titrated way (bit by bit) 


This is one of the key topics inside Address & Unlock, Louise's group program that starts again next month. You can check it out here:


Until tomorrow (30th June) you can get a HUGE discount from both the program and VIP options using these discount codes at checkout:
The program use: UNLOCK
For the VIP use: ADDRESS


If you want to take the first steps to build your resources and start to create a felt sense of safety in your body, take the Intro to the Body class. You get instant lifetime access and can purchase the class for £99 here.


Louise's latest class; How to take care of yourself - is a 60-minute masterclass where Louise shares effective, evidence and science-backed protocols for overall health that you can implement quickly and easily into your busy life. :


Keep up to date with Louise’s latest thoughts, musing and offerings by joining her email list here


If you would like to speak to Louise about being supported 1:1, book a free call with her here


Visit the website:







#somaticexperiencing, #traumahealing,  #childhoodtrauma, #attachmentstyles, #healing, #embodimentcoach, #lifecoach, #familysystems, #familysystemstherapy, #wellbeing, #mentalhealth, #nervousystemcoach, #traumainformed, #nervoussystemregulation,