The Embodied Life Coaching Podcast Episode 30 - You aren't broken - an interview with Avril Brown

On the podcast this week Louise has a beautiful and open conversation with Avril Brown. They chat about Avril's healing journey and how that evolved after the birth of her son. There is so much goodness in this conversation - with a key takeaway that whatever you have going on, you aren't broken.


Avril empowers mums to heal their relationship with themselves so they can live fully alive while also being present and deeply connected to their children.


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If you want to take the first steps to build your resources and start to create a felt sense of safety in your body, take the Intro to the Body class. You get instant lifetime access and can purchase the class for £99 here.


Louise's latest class; How to take care of yourself - is a 60-minute masterclass where Louise shares effective, evidence and science-backed protocols for overall health that you can implement quickly and easily into your busy life. :


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