The Embodied Life Coaching Podcast Episode 31 - Doing life and business your way - a panel interview with Anna Gorga and Charlotte Williams

Louise has not one but two guests on the podcast this week. Anna and Charlotte are both coaches in Louise’s Address & Unlock program and are on to talk about doing life and business their way.


This is a powerful conversation about what is possible when you make choices that work for you - and as 3 self confessed A type personalities - you may be surprised at HOW extraordinary lives on their terms have actually been achieved!


If you would like to join Louise in the next round of Address & Unlock, you can check out the program info and speak to her about joining here:


More about Anna:


Anna helps ambitious women feel their best possible way at work, so they can enjoy their success AND powerfully go after what they want in a way that feels good. 






Email address

[email protected]


More about Charlotte:


Charlotte is a women's development coach who supports women to reconnect with themselves and to live lives they love.







Address and Unlock is open - you can join here


You can get access to 3 key training videos from inside Address and Unlock you can get the class bundle here (£29)


If you want to take the first steps to build your resources and start to create a felt sense of safety in your body, take the Intro to the Body class. You get instant lifetime access and can purchase the class for £99 here.


Louise's latest class; How to take care of yourself - is a 60-minute masterclass where Louise shares effective, evidence and science-backed protocols for overall health that you can implement quickly and easily into your busy life. :


Keep up to date with Louise’s latest thoughts, musing and offerings by joining her email list here


If you would like to speak to Louise about being supported 1:1, book a free call with her here


Visit the website:







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