What clients say about working with me.

What clients say about working with me.

My confidence is growing and I am learning to trust myself again. I can wholeheartedly say that this led e to a new career. Interviews went from being such stressful events to easy to do because I was able to confidently speak to my strengths and showcase my transferable skills. I went from interview to job offer in 4 days, doubled the salary offered, negotiated my KPIs for a job that on paper didn't look like I had sufficient experience. I work with a fantastic team and I'm thoroughly enjoying the work.

Solicitor and Mum

My confidence is growing and I am learning to trust myself again. I can wholeheartedly say that this led e to a new career. Interviews went from being such stressful events to easy to do because I was able to confidently speak to my strengths and showcase my transferable skills. I went from interview to job offer in 4 days, doubled the salary offered, negotiated my KPIs for a job that on paper didn't look like I had sufficient experience. I work with a fantastic team and I'm thoroughly enjoying the work.

Solicitor and Mum

You provide so many ways for us to interact with and understand the material. My favorite part of doing this work was realising that a little goes a long way. Bringing in small techniques make a massive difference for me. I actually didn't have to do a lot of work, or do anything that hard, to create a big shift in my life.

I hear a lot about "processing emotions" and "creating safety" and I learned exactly how to do this. I had a number of emotion-processing experiences throughout the program that felt like such a relief and offered me so much unexpected insight into my personal values, healing on past experiences, and direction for decisions I was wavering on.

Emily Slachetka | Project Manager

You provide so many ways for us to interact with and understand the material. My favorite part of doing this work was realising that a little goes a long way. Bringing in small techniques make a massive difference for me. I actually didn't have to do a lot of work, or do anything that hard, to create a big shift in my life.

I hear a lot about "processing emotions" and "creating safety" and I learned exactly how to do this. I had a number of emotion-processing experiences throughout the program that felt like such a relief and offered me so much unexpected insight into my personal values, healing on past experiences, and direction for decisions I was wavering on.

Emily Slachetka | Project Manager

Louise recognised, unlike several other coaches, that I was in a state of overwhelm and that the number one priority for me to move forward in my life - with all areas - was to rest, and regulate my nervous system, first. I was in a state of wanting to 'force' things.

She quickly saw that I had a tendency to overdo it by going 'all in' and wanting to be 'the best student' - when what I really needed to learn was to slow down, trust myself, and stop the need to prove myself. I'm far from perfect with this now, but I can do it much more often, and it feels so much better.

 In our individual sessions, she was very attuned to what I needed in the moment. She could tell what that was way before I recognised it.

Ingrid | Mum of 2

Louise recognised, unlike several other coaches, that I was in a state of overwhelm and that the number one priority for me to move forward in my life - with all areas - was to rest, and regulate my nervous system, first. I was in a state of wanting to 'force' things.

She quickly saw that I had a tendency to overdo it by going 'all in' and wanting to be 'the best student' - when what I really needed to learn was to slow down, trust myself, and stop the need to prove myself. I'm far from perfect with this now, but I can do it much more often, and it feels so much better.

 In our individual sessions, she was very attuned to what I needed in the moment. She could tell what that was way before I recognised it.

Ingrid | Mum of 2

Louise is the only coach or therapist with whom I've been at all comfortable doing the deep work on my family of origin and the faith tradition I grew up in. It was work I badly needed, but it lived in a part of me I was so very protective of. She created the safety I needed to look at these things closely and unravel them gently.

Education Specialist

Louise is the only coach or therapist with whom I've been at all comfortable doing the deep work on my family of origin and the faith tradition I grew up in. It was work I badly needed, but it lived in a part of me I was so very protective of. She created the safety I needed to look at these things closely and unravel them gently.

Education Specialist

You've really helped me get into my body and stay with the uncomfortable feelings so I could acknowledge them and then move through them - but it's all been at a pace that felt safe for me. But not just that, we then worked on alternative strategies and approaches to avoid reaching that negative space and eventual place of overwhelm in the first place. I have definitely started 2023 feeling more able to focus on my needs, not selfishly, but just checking in with myself on a regular basis to make sure the choices I have been making and the pace of movement and change has felt right for me.

Sarah | Procurement Specialist and Mum of 2

You've really helped me get into my body and stay with the uncomfortable feelings so I could acknowledge them and then move through them - but it's all been at a pace that felt safe for me. But not just that, we then worked on alternative strategies and approaches to avoid reaching that negative space and eventual place of overwhelm in the first place. I have definitely started 2023 feeling more able to focus on my needs, not selfishly, but just checking in with myself on a regular basis to make sure the choices I have been making and the pace of movement and change has felt right for me.

Sarah | Procurement Specialist and Mum of 2

I was drawn to work with you because of our similar professional backgrounds and experiences. It was really important for me to work with someone who really “got it”.

You understood personally what it was like to work in a corporate environment and the pressure/expectation to work a lot, put work before anything else, and always be in the situation of trying to manage your health so you could be on/available for work.

You seemed to understand what it was like to want to say no and could see the negative effect it had on your health and personal life, but feel pressured to work through it all anyways.

Even though I don’t wish burnout on anyone, I appreciated that you had your own burnout experience, which made me think you understood exactly what I had gone through.

Based on the way you talked about your own recovery from burnout, it gave me hope that I could heal from my own burnout experience and even prevent it for myself (and even my employees) in the future.

Emily | Project Manager

I was drawn to work with you because of our similar professional backgrounds and experiences. It was really important for me to work with someone who really “got it”.

You understood personally what it was like to work in a corporate environment and the pressure/expectation to work a lot, put work before anything else, and always be in the situation of trying to manage your health so you could be on/available for work.

You seemed to understand what it was like to want to say no and could see the negative effect it had on your health and personal life, but feel pressured to work through it all anyways.

Even though I don’t wish burnout on anyone, I appreciated that you had your own burnout experience, which made me think you understood exactly what I had gone through.

Based on the way you talked about your own recovery from burnout, it gave me hope that I could heal from my own burnout experience and even prevent it for myself (and even my employees) in the future.

Emily | Project Manager

Louise is excellent at what she does; she's very perceptive & I feel completely comfortable to open up and explore deeply and feel really supported by her as I work through listening to my body and myself (which had been shut away for a long time as longstanding people pleaser and conflict avoider). Life at home is a lot calmer since working together and the relationship with my children and my partner has improved. I also have found new work and my plans to start a business are starting to bloom again after being put on backburner for the last few years and I am excited for what’s to come. I would highly recommend working with Louise.

Doctor and Mum of 2

Louise is excellent at what she does; she's very perceptive & I feel completely comfortable to open up and explore deeply and feel really supported by her as I work through listening to my body and myself (which had been shut away for a long time as longstanding people pleaser and conflict avoider). Life at home is a lot calmer since working together and the relationship with my children and my partner has improved. I also have found new work and my plans to start a business are starting to bloom again after being put on backburner for the last few years and I am excited for what’s to come. I would highly recommend working with Louise.

Doctor and Mum of 2

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Wealthy Witches: The Mission
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